Question: What trick did Homo Sapiens used to beat me?
Question: What trick did Homo Sapiens used to beat me?




There was a time, I think, we were ahead of Homo Sapiens. We controlled fire, we used tools, we conquered Europe and hunted all possible animals. We learned to survive under tough conditions whilst our nephews, Homo Sapiens, were still laying back under the African sun. Our brains were bigger, as was our strenght. We had all that experience builded up and they were new here in icecold Europe. So how did Homo Sapiens succeeded where we failed? What trick did they found to survive where we died out?

The answer is hidden in you reading this. Homo Sapiens learned to ‘Note’ what was important and this way they could pass knowledge much more efficient than we did. (Chris Stinger, the origine of our species) Note is the last professional behavior process human beings acquired. The eight other basic processes, the Neanderthalers had acquired as well.

Find “Note” and the eight other basic processes in our Matrix model of Professional Personality